10 Incredible Human Body Facts: You Must Know

The world outside us is immense and beautiful. Likewise, the world within us is also massive, complex yet breathtaking. The human body has several functions and things to take care of even on a daily basis. More than you and me, the human body works 24/7. Probably our body even works more than machines or computers day in and day out. Right from the process of forming an egg to give birth and even after death, the body has its own functions and abilities to keep you in the best possible state.

    • Children have more taste buds than adults

  • Your lungs are the only organs in your body that float

    Food spends up to 6 hours in the stomach being digested

    Your eyeballs are actually part of your brain

    Bones are 4 times stronger than concrete

    The largest muscle in your body is the one you are sitting on!

    Babies are born with 300 bones – adults have 206.

    Eyelashes last about 150 days.

    If the human eye was a digital camera , it would be 576 megapixels

    The heart circulates your blood through your body about 1,000 times each day.


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