“Globalization presumes sustained economic growth. Otherwise, the process loses its economic benefits and political support.” Paul Samuelson Context Guess what Corona virus pandemic did that even Soviet union could not? It has shown the world decaying of the capitalist system. Spread of the virus has lead to various forms of lock downs across the globe. This caused multiple problems in economic globalisation to erupt, which made each country look to the protection of its “own” economy . Now this funda of “own” economy and local over global is what we will focus upon. So stay tuned. Is it the end of Globalization? One of the devastating impacts of Covid-19 will be that nations are going to look even more inwards. Rather than look beyond its borders, nations will focus on their narrowly-defined national interests. Reflecting on the debate on globalization, one may wonder whether the world was entering a new, uncharted territory or if Covid-19 was simply accelerating a push-back agai...
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